Sufism Against Zionism:
Letter of Sultan Abdal Hamid Khan II
To His Sufic Teacher Before Fall of Khalifate:
This message of Abdul-Hamid Khan, the last Sultan (d.1924)
having real power over the
Her is its text:
In the name of Allah the Compassionate, the Merciful! Let Allah, the God of the Worlds, be praised. Let there be peace and blessings upon the Prophet Mohammad, Messenger of Allah , Lord of All the Worlds.
I address the respected Sheikh of the Shazali Tariqat Mohammad Efendi Abu Shamat, the healer of the souls and the flasher of the hearts, the outstanding man of his times. After the greetings I want to say that I got your message of this May 22 and I thank Allah that you are in good health.
My lord, God being my helper, I devote days and nights to reciting wirds and I ask to always remember me in Your prayers. Let me share with You, and with lucid-minded people, my worries in respect of one very important question:
" If you offer me all the gold of the world adding it to your 150 man, I won´t agree to give you the land. I have served the Islam and the ummah of Mohammad, peace and blessings be upon him, for more than 30 years, and I won´t cloud the Islamic history, the history of my fathers and grand fathers Ottoman sultans and caliphs".
After my definite refusal they decided to remove me from power, and after that they told me that they would transport me to
I kiss your noble hands (my Sheikh) and hope that you won´t refuse my respect for you.
Greet all our brothers and friends, oh, my Excellent Teacher. Forgive me for such a long letter but I wanted you to be informed.
Peace, blessings and mercy of Allah upon You.
Verger of the Believers,
Abdul-Hamid ibn Abdul-Majid.
29 Ramadan 1329.
September 22 1911.
The Resume of the Letter :
- The Sufi sheikhs are not only teachers on the way of spiritual perfection, but also in usual daily life of the Muslims. And Sheikh Mohammad Abu Shamat (of Shadzili-Darqawi Tariqa) , who worried about the wealth of the Muslims no less than about the matters of the Almighty worshipping, which proves the inseparability of religion and the state in the Ottoman Caliphate, is an example of such behavior.
- The West trying to speed up the process of the Ottoman Islamic statehood began to form in its center an extremely aggressive Zionist state. At the same time the colonizers pursued a policy of division of the former Caliphate territories between local leaders who began to build their own authoritarian regimes afterwards. As a result
- The Zionist plan to occupy
- In his letter sultan Abdul-Hamid refused to cahoots with the Jews in order "not to cloud the Islamic history". But today we can see that many politicians have done the contrary by agreeing to partition
1 comment:
Salam alaikoum dear brother ; I just discover your blog , it is a beautiful one and this post is really good masha'Alah ...
Habib Matthieu
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