2. We told him, “ Mr Shu, make tonight meeting the once in a life time experience you never forget ! By the courtesy and sacrifice of my close friend Mr.Lua Baoxin , he brought this new stranger from Beijing, China to see us, to discuss about Islam, about his research and seeking the True Path and to get direct knowledge of Sufism from the wonderful people. The vast freedom, peaceful life and hectic materialism also, and if not careful will be overhelmed by torrents of biased information and imaginative rebranding of islamic institutions and islamic products and labels.
3. Shu Ming was very fascinated by a sufic book presented by Mr.Lua- ‘The Sky Is Not The Limit’ by Amatullah Amstrong describing the spiritual journey of an Australian women in 21st century. Here are the few conversation, questions and aswers that we managed to record from the blessed memory of that night as follow :
Mr.Shu, there is Zen saying, “ If you meet Buddha on the road of your travel for knowledge and seeking the realization of truth, then kill him ! “. The stone bridge of Chau Chao both asses and horses galloping across. Do you see it or it is a wooden bridge ?.
4. Have you heard of this story ? Can you explain why the student/monk was advised to kill the Buddha ? Mr. Shu was smiling, thinking hard and we turned to Mr.Lua, “ Can you explain it , dont worry , as there are not right or wrong answers, just what come across your mind ! “.
5. Rumi said: ‘You are your own bird. You are prey , you set trap. You breaks free !
6. Here is Mr.Lua’s answer : “ You see, what important in the story is that most ordinary monks or students are too engrossed in meditation to attain buddhahood...or as if they really imagine going to meet and encounter the Honored One on the road ! What the Masters taught here : Let destroy this imaganitaion ! - hence –‘Kill buddha ‘. Finish it off, throw away this illusion, this word and this fabricated story. Do you ever think to meet real Buddha in your present realm, your age now ? So where is the real wisdom lies ? Where we can attain this Path, this Truth as one inward reality with our self ?
7. Mr.Lua continues : “ In my humble opinion, the real buddhahood/dharma is inside each person, only he had to uncover it by the right practice, right teaching and the right moment when the seeker are willing to transcend the worldly limitations. The duty of the Masters are merely to assist this process, to push the seekers to the abyss where no escape route is possible. To make a jump of life and death. To cut off attachment, to immerse in the Power of Te’ or Oneness of Tao, annihilated in the inter-play of Yin-Yang life forces. La haula wa quwwata illa bi’Llahil-Aliyyil Azim.
8. There is no change/transformation or action or anything else that can alters what Allah decreed planning and the unfolding of the creational event. If anyone who are doing something in this world without knowing it to accord or against the Divine Orders, then they are still in the guessing game. Glory to the One whose Hands hold the Dominion of Existence and Unto Him are our Returning (Surah Yasin).
9. Mr.Shu Ming told us, he went the Book Shop Kinokuniya at Kuala Lumpur City C entre and suprised at the rich varities of chinese, english and islamic books that satiated his spiritual hunger which he cannot find in Beijing, Shanghai or Hong Kong.
10. We recalled one of Master Izi poem in written in 1998 :
“ Some matters are beyond the gnostic/wali hands.
Some seekers are raw, some old and blind.
Yet they see , hear and can question but got lost.
Honey and Poison both exist in my Tea Garden,
who dare to enter and drink it ? “.
11. One cup of Real Tea refresh the spirit. Ippuku Qing Shan !
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