From Rilke Poem: Our True face Never Speaks
Daring to put life to test
I draw water and fire
to rekindle deep love
for Rilke admirer in the east :
Our true face never speaks
in language of duality
thick masks of nihilism
engulf the new age
In fear of colored others
suppressing sacred voices
the asssembly of puppets
disguising renaissance
Tame and ride
the tiger of time
julius evola warned us
or we will be eaten up
No one lives his life
when he missed the
secret of the Yin of Beauty
and the Yang of Majesty
in Oneness of the Real
Fasubhanallazi bi-yadihi
Malakutu kulli syain
Wa ilaihi turjaun..
Kullu syaiun Fanin
Wa yabqa Wajhu
Dzul Jalali Wal-Ikram
Daring to put life to test
I draw water and fire
to rekindle deep love
for Rilke admirer in the east :
Our true face never speaks
in language of duality
thick masks of nihilism
engulf the new age
In fear of colored others
suppressing sacred voices
the asssembly of puppets
disguising renaissance
Tame and ride
the tiger of time
julius evola warned us
or we will be eaten up
No one lives his life
when he missed the
secret of the Yin of Beauty
and the Yang of Majesty
in Oneness of the Real
Fasubhanallazi bi-yadihi
Malakutu kulli syain
Wa ilaihi turjaun..
Kullu syaiun Fanin
Wa yabqa Wajhu
Dzul Jalali Wal-Ikram
1 comment:
"Our true face never speaks
in language of duality
thick masks of nihilism
engulf the new age"
"You ask me how I became a madman. It happened thus:
One day, long before many gods were born, I woke from a
deep sleep and found all my masks were stolen,—the seven
masks I have fashioned an worn in seven lives,—I ran maskless
through the crowded streets shouting, “Thieves, thieves, the
cursed thieves.”
Men and women laughed at me and some ran to their
houses in fear of me.
And when I reached the market place, a youth standing
on a house-top cried, “He is a madman.” I looked up to behold
him; the sun kissed my own naked face for the first
time. For the first time the sun kissed my own naked face
and my soul was inflamed with love for the sun, and I wanted
my masks no more. And as if in a trance I cried, “Blessed,
blessed are the thieves who stole my masks.”
Thus I became a madman.
And I have found both freedom of loneliness and the safety
from being understood, for those who understand us enslave
something in us.
But let me not be too proud of my safety. Even a Thief in
a jail is safe from another thief."Khalil Gibran
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