Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Relearning Islam From China To Kuala Lumpur

We thanked Allah tabaraka wa taala for His generosity that enabled the Malaysian Chinese Muslim Association (MACMA) for two consective years in 2005 and 2007 to host the 6 months training, visit and dakwah programmes for 30 imams from various provinces of China.
They were also given special lectures and dialogues with scholars such as Ustaz Uthman Muhammady, Dr.Fuad Yeoh, Dato' Mustapha Ma and lecturers from International Islamic University of Malaysia beside visits to States of Kelantan, Sarawak, Terenganu, Johor, Perak, Kedah and Selangor.

Last week on 22 October 2007 , they were attending a special talk at Masjid al-Bukhari of Kuala Lumpur and listening to salawat, prayers and qasidah of Shaykh Muhammad ibn al-Habib, the great alim and sufi of Morocco who taught and transmitted the pure Islam and Tasawwuf to many of his murids and fuqara in the West until it reached Spain, England, Germany, Malaysia and Indonesia, Mexico, South Africa etc today.

“ O Allah, let us receive Your mercy by the esteem of the Vast Quran and make it our guide, leader and source of light. O Allah, remind us when we are forgetful of the Quran, teach us what we ignorant of, inspire us to read, act and understand it day and night, O Lord of the Wolrds ! “

Friday, October 19, 2007

The people of baraka and wisdom

'We ask Allah, subhanahu wa taala, to keep us

in the company of the Arifin (gnostic).

We ask Allah , subhanahu wa taala to let the people

of this dhikr spread out through the whole of Africa

and take the Deen to all of Africa.

We ask Allah , subhanahu wa taala to make the people

of this circle people of baraka, people of wisdom

and people of teaching.

We ask Allah subhnahu wa taala to give benefit

to all the people who see the fuqara and meet the fuqara

so that they love them and respect them.'

Doa by Shaykh Dr.Abdal Qadir as-Sufi

after the tafsir discourse at al-Jamia Mosque

Claremont, Cape Town

May 29th, 2004

Extra prayer from Qasida Tafakur

Diwan Sh.Muhammad ibn al-Habib :

Then you would accept the reality of Tawhid

with all your being, and you would turn away

from illusions, uncetainty and otherness

And you would say, ' My God, You are my desire,

my goal and my impregnable fotress against

evil, injustice and deceit

You are the One I hope will provide all my needs

and You are the One who will rescue us

from all evil and wickedness

You are the Compassionate, the One who answers

all call on You. And You are the One

who enriches the poverty of the faqir

It is to You, O Exalted, that I have raised all

my request, so swiftly bring me the Opening,

the rescue and the secret, O my God

By the rank of the one in whom we hope on the Day

of Distress and Grief-that terrible day when

people come to the Place of Gathering-Masyar

May Allah's blessings be upon him as long

as there is an Arif who reflects on the lights

of His Essence in every manifestation

and upon his family and Companions and everyone

who follows his excellent Sunna in all its

prohibitions and commands'.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

The Self At Peace

The Goal of Ihsan : an-nafs al-mutma'inna: the self at peace

Finally there is the self at peace which is illuminated and acts according to the good and is therefore liberated "O self at peace, return to your Lord, well-pleased, well-pleasing. Enter among My servants. Enter My Garden." (89:27)

Shaykh 'Ali al-Jamal, a Moroccan wali (sometimes translated as saint, but which really means a friend of Allah) said when he experienced this,

"A certain state came over me so that the attributes of Allah appeared in manifestation in myself and in all creation...I began to love myself and to love all creation. Whoever I saw, man or woman, old man or child, I loved...I also began to love animals, rivers, trees, birds, the sky and the stars, and the earth and its stones....whatever loved me and I loved whatever did not love me because I saw that my essence contained existence, high and low, and existence was part of me. It was like my limbs and extremities. My love of them appeared to me to be only love of my essence and attributes."

Saturday, October 06, 2007

What Mencius Said About Superior Man

Our Master Mencius was asked – what do you mean

by a Superior man ? a Real man ?

The reply was undoubtly beuatiful, profound and
similar to our islamic views as below:

A man who commands our liking (instinctual nature/fitra)

is what called
A superior –Good man.( Muslim)
He whose goodness (husni khuluq)
Is part of himself is what Called a Real Man (Mu’min)

He whose goodness has been filled up
(in his whole being) is what called a Beautiful Man ( Muhsin).
He whose completed goodness
is brightly displayed is what
called a great Man ( Ta Ren/ Rijal al-kabir)

when this great man exercise a transforming influence
he is what called a Sage. ( Sheng ren-Wali/Sufi)

when the Sage is beyond our knowledge he is what
is called a Spiritual Man ( Hsien Ren/ Insanul Kamil)